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We're Climate Neutral Certified

Climate leadership is important to our team and our community, and we are proud to embark on the journey to a net-zero future by making it official with the world’s leading independent climate action label, Climate Neutral.

The Change Climate Project means BUSINESS folks. They provide companies with concrete methods to measure our carbon inventory, compensate for our footprint by removing climate pollution outside our supply chain through high-quality carbon credits, and commit to reduction strategies that make our business & products (BEER!) more sustainable.⁠

  • Measure

    Using a rad tool called the Climate Neutral BEE, we calculate our annual cradle-to-customer greenhouse gas emissions (AKA the carbon emissions that come from brewing, packaging, distributing, and serving Burgeon beer.)

  • Reduce

    Real action means concrete reduction strategies. In 2024, we’ve committed to:

    1. Redesign our sleeved aluminum cans to eliminate single-use plastic by 100%
    2. Implement a low carbon sourcing/purchasing policy to eliminate single-use packaging by 100% across base malts.
  • Compensate

    We compensated for the previous year's emissions through the purchase of Verra-certified carbon offsets that support the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project in Cambodia. 3 mangrove trees in Mida Creek, Kenya were also planted for each carbon credit we purchased, sequestering an additional 2,532 tons of CO2 on top of the 844 tons already compensated for through neutrality.

From Burgeon's Founders

The Climate Neutral Certification is our loud & passionate response to nature’s urgent call for businesses like ours to get real about the climate crisis. We’re getting some meaningful sh*t done through two major carbon reduction strategies in 2024 and this is only the beginning. Learn about our strategies from co-founder and head brewer Anthony in the video & hold on tight! We're on an action-packed (and impressively hoppy…) ride.