· By Mackenzie Graham
Oasis 2nd Anniversary Celebration!
We take ANY chance we can get to celebrate our favorite Escondido watering hole & we've got QUITE the festival planned on Sunday, October 23rd to celebrate the second birthday of The Oasis!
In addition to a fall festival, a makers market full of local products, DJ Guam Styles will be spinning, & of course the best food vendors on the west coast. Check out the list below for the full list of wonderful local folks who will be joining us to make this day so special, and we'll see you on SUNDAY 10/23!
The Oasis 2nd Anniversary
Fall Festival & Maker's Market
Sunday October 23, 2022
649 Rock Springs Rd. Suite B, Escondido, CA 92025
Maker’s Market Vendors
Bountiful Bag-@thebountifulbag
Sustainability is Sexy-helps educate consumers on waste and then gives us a report from event @sis_sandiego
Boozy Bones-spent grain dog bone @boozy.bones
Wind Rhythm-wind chimes with cymbals @wind_rhythm1
Punk Rock Food Drive-canned goods collected for food banks @punkrockfooddrive
Wicky Woman-candle holders and soap @wickywomancandles
Abrigo-upcycled blankets and handmade goods @shopabrigo
Klamity Klam-homemade insulated water bottles www.klamityklamcreations.com
Shawnlee Hampton-artist @shawnleepaints
Stephanie Butcher Bonum Handcraft-jewelry @bonumhandcraft
Found Jewelry SD @foundjewelrysd
Tori Cortez Art
Avery Stone Artwork/Designs @avery_stone_artwork
Hanging Heart Handware -Mona- @nhangingheart
Dael’s Designs and Baby Bundles
Plants with Matt @plantswithmatt
Chloe’s Creative Corner-jewelry
Hien Nguyen- painted canvas bags @littlehouseink @hienimation
Firewood Creations Lab @firewood_creations_lab
Sara Stanford fine art @stanfordsquarepants
Food Vendors
Two Guys Pizza @twoguyspizzacosd
Birria ay Jalisco @birrieriaayjalisco
Bam Bun @bambunsd
Coffee by Iverson Roasters
Babe’s @babes_confectionary
Black Hat Breads @blackhatbreads
Nykols Gluten and Dairy-Free baked goods
Bleu Oak Charcuterie @bleuoakcharcuterie
DJ Guam
Performances by Kyle Cameron of The Resinators